
How-To Guide to
AML Risk Assessments

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First AML: How-To Guide to AML Risk Assessments spread

New to risk assessments? This guide is for you.

The ‘risk-based approach’ is a cornerstone for companies that must comply with the relevant AML Act(s) in their countries. It allows regulated companies to tailor the intensity of their processes to fit their perceived level of risk or exposure to money laundering activity.

In this guide, we look at what factors should be taken into account when assessing the risk of money laundering at three main levels:

1. Company-level risk assessment (also called a ‘firm-wide risk assessment’), which identifies all the risks your company faces.
2. Client risk assessment, which identifies the risks identified about an individual client.
3. Transaction risk assessment which assesses what risks there may be with each new piece of work that a client gives you.

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